I worked in Snehalaya for a long time and went back to Solapur to be there for my parents. But when I saw the misery in my neighbourhood, I didn't hesitate for long and started campaigning for education and healthcare. Without a cent and without a vehicle, I went from slum to slum and taught poor children.
With the help of friends, we were able to donate school uniforms, school materials, books to children and sewing machines to women.
I myself come from Shelagi Village from a normal family.
Like many other NGOs, we are dependent on material and financial donations to provide the poorest people with the help they need. We contact many women and arrange many programmes at festivities, inspire women and children and explain the importance of education and health care.
I am travelling in Shelagi, Bale and Kegaon visiting places where women and children live in poverty to teach children.
My name is Pramila Ubale and since 2015 I have been working tirelessly for the poor in my neighbourhood with my NGO PRERANA.
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